March 12, 2023


As a blogger, your goal is to reach a larger audience, and one of the best ways to do that is to ensure that your blog posts rank high on Google. One of the most important aspects of achieving high rankings is coming up with a killer title for your blog post. Your blog post title is the first thing your audience sees, and it needs to grab their attention if you want them to click on it and read your content. In this blog post, we are going to share with you 5 secrets to writing a killer blog post title that ranks high on Google.

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Section 1: Keep it Short and Sweet

Your blog post title needs to be short and sweet. You have only a few seconds to grab your audience’s attention, and a long title can be a turn-off. Focus on keeping the title under 60 characters so that it fits nicely on Google’s search engine results page (SERP).

Section 2: Use Power Words

Power words are words that evoke emotion in your audience. They are intense and persuasive, and they can make your blog post title stand out from all others. Some examples of power words include “shocking,” “amazing,” “mind-blowing,” “secret,” “proven,” and “insider.” Use these words sparingly, and only when they fit naturally in your title.

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Section 3: Include Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keywords that people use when searching for information online. Including these in your blog post title can help you reach a more targeted audience. For example, instead of using the keyword “blogging,” you could use “5 secrets to successful blogging.”

Section 4: Make it Descriptive

Your title should describe what your content is about. This allows your audience to know exactly what they’re getting into before they click on the link. For example, instead of using “The Art of Writing,” you could use “The Art of Writing Killer Blog Posts.”

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Section 5: Use Numbers

Using numbers in your blog post title can help increase click-through rates. People like lists, and using numbers in your title lets your audience know exactly what they’re going to get out of your content. Some examples include “7 Ways to Boost Your Productivity,” or “10 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Vacation.”

Section 6: Be Creative

Creativity can set you apart from the crowd. Don’t be afraid to take risks and come up with unique blog post titles. For example, instead of using “How to Start a Blog,” you could use “Start a Blog and Never Quit: A Comprehensive Guide.”

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Section 7: Analyze the Competition

Analyzing your competition can help you come up with better titles. Look at what titles your competitors are using and analyze what is working and what is not working. Avoid duplicating their titles, but use their titles as inspiration for your own titles.


Q1: How long should a blog post title be for it to rank high on Google?
A1: Your blog post title should be under 60 characters to fit nicely on Google’s SERP.

Q2: How can power words help my blog post rank high on Google?
A2: Power words evoke emotion in your audience, making your blog post title stand out and grab the attention of readers.

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Q3: What are long-tail keywords?
A3: Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keywords that target a specific audience.

Q4: How can using numbers in my blog post title help increase click-through rates?
A4: Using numbers lets your audience know exactly what they’re getting out of your content and helps them to set expectations.

Q5: How can I be more creative with my blog post titles?
A5: Use unique language, take risks and come up with creative titles that can set you apart from the competition.

Q6: What should I consider when analyzing my competition’s blog post titles?
A6: Consider what is working and not working in their titles as well as what type of content they write and how you can differentiate yourself.

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Q7: Do keywords still matter when it comes to blog post titles?
A7: Keywords are still important, but make sure to use them naturally in your title instead of stuffing them in excessively.


In conclusion, writing a killer blog post title takes time and effort. Utilizing long-tail keywords, using power words, being descriptive, keeping it short and sweet, and analyzing your competition can all help take your blog post title from good to great. Remember to be creative and take risks with your titles, run them through a blog title analyzer to make sure it is optimized, and don’t forget to keep your audience in mind and make their experience worthwhile.

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