April 12, 2022

Today there are so many mediums to teach children that too with all the facilities which used to be dreams in 80’s & 90’s time. Kids are having smart and modern tools to achieve their academic tasks and goals. Kids now don’t follow somebody’s teaching blindly instead they do their own research work. For this they choose online learning and online education portals. School LMS provides students essential tools like LMS portal to support their online learning. School LMS also takes care of students’ learning methodology and makes sure that students should not fail in any kind of task given during online learning with the help of LMS portals. Parents also become very happy seeing this progress of their children and they also try their best to participate in their child’s success but sometimes there are moments when parents have to become little robust and harsh in order to control their child’s stubborn nature and this is the moment when the relationship of parent-child get sour a little.

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No parents want their relationship with their child to become problematic but compulsions make anyone come in this situation, especially parents. So, it becomes important to repair the relationship with children but they are human beings like us and remember your harsh words or behaviour so the question arises how can a parent repair their relationship with their children? So, the basics is first of all if you are getting angry deeply then don’t say anything at that time just move away from the scene without saying anything to the child or even if you have scolded your child badly, then also. Take a deep breath, take shower, eat something and then go for a walk to calm your mood down, sit somewhere and try to leave all anger and frustration out there. Calming your mind will also depend upon how you prefer to do it, like some people listen to sweet music, some watch movies, some play video games etc. And then when your return apologizes to your child for your mistake and explain to him both sides- yours also and the wrong in his behaviour also.

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It is certain that after being scolded badly your child will be sitting angry from in his room, goo opens the room gently and with a very polite voice ask his permission to come in room and explain him/her that you are sorry for your act and then explain him/her that he or she should not have done what he/she did. Explain to him/her what was wrong in his/her act and make him/her understand that he/she also hurt someone’s feelings. Do ask your child how he/she felt about your behaviour and let him/her vent it out all there. After your child is done venting all in his heart, there will be no grudges left in his heart. As parents you need to talk to your child about his wrong behaviour also. Like you will have to explain that you were on an important call over the phone and he/she was making too much noise which interrupted the call, that is why you scolded. Children must be explained by their parents properly about their mistakes and their short-term and long-term effects so that they may not repeat such behaviour. Then you need to promise your child not to repeat this kind of rough behaviour again and as children are innocent, he or she will surely forgive you.

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Now when the problem gets solved, is the story finished? No, absolutely not. Now, the parents have to make a plan of action that whenever such a burning situation comes then you need to hold yourself and remember that you don’t have to hurt your child’s feeling after all you are all in all of your child. Also, from time to time teach your child how to hold his emotions too if he or she gets furious in anger because he or she can hurt himself/herself or any other person and afterwards will regret. Such care will surely repair the parent-child relationship in every means. Never forget to shower your love on your child while apologizing, hug your child and pamper him/her while apologizing him/her and do let him/her know how much you love him/her and you can never do anything to hurt him/her knowingly.

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